Dragon Star PHP RPG Engine - Core Engine
Combat code
Engine Status:
Public Alpha Version: v. 0.5.0
Internal Alpha Version: v 0.6.0
Status and Known Problems
How to Play
Engine Development Path
Browse the Game Database
Engine Rules / Game Nuts and Bolts
The 0.5.0 version presents three major enhancements:
- Sound has been integrated using a Java applet! The game can now playback MIDI, WAV, and MP3 files. It supports caching, streaming, an multiple-voice playback. Unfortunately, the volume options do not work yet, and there is a condition that the applet can crash under (see known errors for details).
- A set of universal animation sequences have been written, only requiring the images, sounds, and timing information to be provided by items, abilities, and personalities (the objects that control how characters animate in combat). All objects now contain this information, and editors have been implemented.
- The personalities (character images and animations) is now database backed. This means that new character images can be merged into a set of images and animations for a character in combat.
Goals for the Next Release (0.6.0):
- Implement GUI components for the map, including menus, a yes/no box and messaage windows.
- Implement event points. Event points will provide warping, items when searched, and preventing passage without itmes or completing a quest, for starters.
- Implement NPCs and dialog trees.
- Implement monster difficulty indexes. This will help determine what monsters you fight depending where you are.
- Write a map editor.
- Merge the map and fight code together, making a unified build.
I am looking for people to help me develop this game. I am not paying anyone, including myself, so please understand that I am hoping you will contribute your help out of the goodness in your heart, or for a shoutout at most. I am looking for artists to contribute artwork and animations, coders to help write animation scripts, and game designers to help guide aspects of gameplay such as spell and skill strengths, job definitions, and equipment layout. Please contact me if you are interested.
Overworld code
Engine Status:
Public Alpha Version: v. 0.2.0
Internal Alpha Version: v 0.6.0 merge
Release of overworld version 0.2.0!
The overworld demo was the first to receive the benefits of my new PHP-JS RPC library. Now you can traverse a map that is stored on the server. The map is downloaded on the fly, and attempts to provide seamless transition between the segments it is using. Just click where you want to go!